12187698_1015182421867852_8712042369895467004_nWe make a call to the population to donate Non-perishable food, cloths and toiletries for our brothers from Mascota, Talpa, San Sebastián and Atenguillo Jalisco, affected by the #HuracánPatricia

Products to receive:

– Bottled water                      – Canned food
– Cookies and Biscuits          – Beans and Rice
– Sugar and salt                    – Powder milk

Toiletries such as:

-Blankets and sheets            -Clothes and shoes
-Toilet paper                         -Rakes
-Feminine towels                  -Wet wipes
-Soap                                    -Antibacterial gel

Collection center at ARCOS DEL MALECÓN a partir de las 9:00 am a 8:00 pm

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